René Lahn Fine Art provides professional, personal and tailor-made advice to clients in the global art market for works from the 20th & 21st Century. From single works to entire collections.
Our clients are private collectors, museums, corporate collections, auction houses, insurance companies and public authorities who appreciate our expertise, discretion, objectivity and independence.
I have known René Lahn in a professional capacity for many years.
René has a well-established network of contacts within the art world which he has nurtured throughout his career. René has consistently demonstrated his art expertise and exceptional skills when dealing with clients at the highest level and I would not hesitate to recommend his services as an art advisor.
Muys Snijders, Head of Art Services at Private Client Select (formerly AIG Private Client Group)
We are member of the
Swiss Art Trade Association (SATA) and conduct our business according to the association's statutes.
Rämistrasse 29
CH-8001 Zürich
T: +41 (0) 44 383 49 66
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